Practice Fusion Billing Services

Fully Integrated Billing Services by Practice Fusion is FINALLY Here!

Our billing service includes all the tools needed to effectively get your claims paid including:

  • Practice Management software
  • Electronic Claims & Payments
  • An Entire Billing Team Dedicated to Your Practice

 We are ready to help your practice:

  • Submit Claims
  • Post Payments
  • Address Claim Denials
  • Answer Patient Calls
  • Get Paid

Don't let billing stress you out anymore. Switch to Practice Fusion Billing Services and start seeing the benefits for yourself.


How we can provide solutions to your practice’s billing needs

  • Time: for our physicians to do what they love, whether that’s time away from the office or practicing medicine

  • Clean claim submission: understanding that getting a claim paid the first time is the best time

  • Transparency: into your financial performance with a dedicated remote staff of expert billers

  • Operational efficiency: reducing the additional burden and cost of having to manage your own billing staff

In the Practice Fusion Billing Services team, our focus is on outcomes. What do our customers want to achieve in terms of their financial outcomes? This question is at the core of every decision we make, every day.

Let our experts handle your billing, while you focus on your patients.

What’s the catch? There is none. You serve patients, we serve you.